Operation Recharge: An Intensive Renewal and Healing Process
There are individuals and families serving in the military that have gone through crisis counseling, traditional therapy and/or reintegration training and continue to experience difficulty in functioning. For these individuals or families a therapeutic  intensive may be the most appropriate process to help them restore their functioning. The process begins with a two hour assessment of individual and family stressors and stress reactions. Participants will have an opportunity to describe individual and family issues related to deployment, reintegration, service related circumstances or injuries.

What does an intensive session entail?
The length and contact of subsequent sessions, ranging from two to eight days, will be designed by the participants in step with the discoveries made during assessment. We will strive towards healing injured functions, emotions and relationships. 

Each session will involve discussion, teaching, and therapeutic process with reading and media assignments interspersed throughout the process.

The intensive provides for a safe, confidential and trusting environment led by a team, including a male and female, who are experienced counselors with a military background.  

Who are intensives for?
Intensives are offered for military members and/or their families who have experienced compounded stressors that have significantly reduced or impaired individual or family functioning.  This process is most appropriate for helping dysfunction or significant levels of emotional pain that has not been resolved through routine counseling or therapy.

Intensive Session Facilitators:

Dan Lambrides, MDiv, DMin
Dan Lambrides is a U.S. Army veteran who served with the military police in Germany before returning home to become a pastor. As part of his 10 years in pastoral work he frequently helped people with addiction problems and subsequently founded an alcohol and drug treatment center, which he directed for eight years.  He was awarded a fellowship that provided the opportunity to earn a Doctor of Ministry degree in Family Systems and Family Therapy at Colgate-Rochester (New York) Divinity School and the University of Rochester Medical School.  Dan began offering organizational consulting and executive/management coaching in 1985, and is currently involved with churches, hospitals/ clinics and commercial groups. Alongside his consulting practice he serves as a pastoral counselor with special interest in addiction issues, sexual concerns, and stressed marital, family, and organizational systems. He is experienced in leading couple and family intensives and is passionate about bringing this powerful tool to military members and their families.

Trisha Wohlfeil, MA
Trisha has been a military spouse for over ten years. She was in private practice for five years before joining Minnesota Renewal Center. Trisha has special interest in helping military families and has been working with them in a professional setting since 2003. She has been an instructor for “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon” reintegration events and has also been a speaker for various military venues including Family Readiness Groups, Family Assistance Center Staff Training, Family Day weekends and Officer’s Christian Fellowship. She is passionate about serving military families and helping other professionals to assist and understand this unique population. She is also an Outreach Assistant for Military OneSource and provides program representation and briefs during drill weekends pre-deployment and reintegration events. Trisha received her B.A. from Bethel University and her M.A. in Marriage and Family therapy from Bethel Seminary.

The costs are covered by foundation grants and/ or agreed- upon sliding scale fees.

For more information:
Call Minnesota Renewal on 651-486-4828 and ask to speak with either Trisha or Dan or click here to request an appointment.